All our bags are packed, we're ready to go...

All our bags are packed, we're ready to go... don't know when we'll be back again.

John Denver knows what he's talking about! We hate to say goodbye, but yet we're very excited for this new adventure and excited to make this dream our reality. We started our Goodbye Tour in New England, stopped through Idaho, California, and Utah, took a trip to the Tetons, and ended the excitement with many yummy meals, drinks, and games with family and friends. We checked a few more items off our "Colorado Bucket List" and are now in the midst of making our "Europe Bucket List" (it still feels unreal!). We've packed our seven bags and two boxes and while doing so constantly reminded ourselves that we are going to a city that has everything we will need, it just may look a little different or be a little tricky to find at first. But hey, life would be boring if we didn't have adventures! Our to do list is almost complete, we've made it through security, checked our bags, mailed the boxes, enjoyed one last sandwich from Snarfs, and celebrated the start of our adventure with a glass of champagne in the fancy airport lounge. Last box on the list, enjoy the top level of the 747 and make our way to Dusseldorf in Business class. Bring on the movies! :)


  1. Woweeee zoweeee, have fun! And what an update...from the airport!!!


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