

    There's so much to write about! On Friday we signed our lease and moved into our new flat! YAHOO!!! It’s right in the middle of town, walking distance from all the major sights, it has two bedrooms plus a living room and it's mostly furnished. To celebrate our new home, we walked through the lovely park and to the Christmas markets. Simply magical! 
      On Saturday, we spent our first rainy day at IKEA picking up a few essentials to make the place perfect for a two year stay. We spent most of Sunday unpacking, building a few pieces of furniture (thanks Jeff!) and attempting to figure out our washer/dryer combo. We celebrated completely moving in by enjoying our first schnitzel dinner from the delectable Schwan restaurant and watching the Broncos game. The game started at 10:15pm, so unfortunately we only had time to watch the first half, but we woke to find that the Broncos had pulled off a win. Woot woot! 
    On Monday, we took some time to celebrate a few more “firsts”. Most importantly, Jeff successfully figured out the train system and took a bullet train to one of his new job sites, while I adventured to the real grocery store all by myself! Before we moved to Germany, one of our friends told us this adventure would be like seeing the world through the eyes of a child. And she was right! It really is like learning everything for the first time. I feel like I have stood back and observed others more in the past two-weeks then my entire adult life. For example, did you know that at the grocery store you have to put a 1 Euro coin into the small slot on the cart handle, push that in, then pull the key out that locks the carts together just to use a grocery cart? Then when you’re finished shopping you put your cart away, place the key back into the handle and when you do that your 1 Euro pops out… Who knew! It’s really pretty brilliant because it keeps all the shopping carts in order, but still, mind blown. I also learned that I do not have cell service in the grocery store so I need to look up and write down the German names of the items I need so I know what to look for in the store… luckily I only had to guess on one item for dinner and I guessed right, thank you high school German class for teaching me the names of food. It's all a learning experience but we're still having fun!

IKEA Adventures!
Successfully building our furniture

Our first Currywurst... Interestingly yummy!
We just can't get enough of the magical markets!
Check out these bad boys. Jeff is so happy!
Our first schnitzel with lemon and cranberries, Yum! 

Celebrating a successful trip to the grocery store! Hooray!
First home-cooked meal, orange chicken and fried rice... very German!


  1. I can't wait to come visit! Can my cat come too? Glad you are making the mos5 of everything.

    1. You're welcome anytime Rick! However, our landlord doesn't allow pets so Bart will have to stay home... darn! :)

  2. Love the way you describe seeing the world with the eyes of a child. I bet you are growing lots of new brain cells. Is that your front door? It's so beautiful!

    1. I wish it was our front door! But sadly no, it's the mayor's front door. Haha


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