Not So Straight Streets...

Our big news for today is that we got our German visas!

Also Jeff made it through his first two days of work! Yesterday, his first day, was a little adventurous. He said his company didn't really have anything ready for him and there wasn't any direction or assistance in getting things started. Luckily he's a smart and resourceful fellow who was able to sort out the situation and with a little help from a random coworker he got his phone and computer working. Unfortunately, he still had to figure out the cafeteria system and eat lunch by himself poor guy! He's the new boy in school. Today Jeff happily reported that his day was more successful and slightly more organized. The company is working on getting his office set up, he was assigned to a few jobs and he had a lunch invitation! Too bad he couldn't accept it because we had our Visa meeting at the same time... maybe tomorrow!

While Jeff's been at work I've been exploring the town. Yesterday I enjoyed a hot cup of tea at a local bakery while searching for possible jobs. I also took one more look at our two finalist apartments and we're happy to say we've officially put in an offer for one! We'll post some pictures and tell you more about it once we move in! Today I bundled up and braved the cold weather and went for a random stroll (our warm winter coats are in one of the two boxes we shipped that are stuck in customs(oops!)... bring on the Colorado layers!). I plugged in my headphones and turned on my audiobook and started exploring. My plan was to walk straight down the street then after awhile turn around and walk straight back... well the streets aren't exactly straight and somehow my straight there/straight back plan didn't work out so well, but I still found my way home! The same thing happened again this evening while we were walking back from dinner, we don't know where we missed a turn or where we went slightly left or right instead of the other slight left or right, but thankfully we found our way home. :)


  1. Way to go finding your way back! It can be fun getting lost (as long as you aren't too cold)! I just re-watched Julie&Julia the movie about Julia Child. Have you seen it? Anyways... I thought of you (mostly for Amy) and how it could be fun to find a popular German cookbook and work your way through it. It would help you guys find new shops to buy from and hopefully make ordering from menus more familiar too!

    1. I thought I replied to this but I guess not... Oops! I love your idea of getting cookbook and working our way through it! And I love Julie & Julia!


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