First Snow in Düsseldorf!

We had our first snow last night and it actually stuck! The locals told us it's unusual for the snow to stick but it didn't seem to stop anyone. We saw walkers, bikers and sledders out enjoying the white stuff. If it’s going to be grey and cold then let there be snow to hold!

We’ve been taking it easy this month, settling into a regular routine. Jeff's in the midst of his busy season, which is much more manageable than his typical busy season (he gets home around 8:30 and doesn’t have to work weekends! And it only lasts a few weeks versus a couple months. YAY!). Amy’s still waiting to hear back from the German tax folk regarding the paperwork she submitted to work as a freelance English teacher. We’re hoping to hear back soon because she has two jobs lined up and ready to go once we get the green light. In the mean time, she joined a book club, signed up for German classes and continues to play housewife.

Düsseldorf's Gehry Building

We're taking advantage of our downtime, by relaxing, touring the local museums, enjoying dinner with new friends and planning our future trips. Last weekend we had our first dose of sun in several weeks, and we jumped on the opportunity to wear our sunglasses and soak up some vitamin D. We enjoyed coffee and a walk around Nordstraße, a run around the park and a walking tour of the city where we learned several fun facts about Dusseldorf. It was chilly (mid 30’s) but wonderful. 

Rockin' the sunnies!

We’re filling up our calendar with our next set of adventures! For now, we have train tickets to Switzerland to ski the Alps, biking in the Netherlands to admire the tulips and a weekend of craziness planned for Karneval (we better start thinking about our outfits! It's apparently a BIG deal over here). We're still trying to decide where we should go for our February adventure... Rome, Nice, Barcelona, London... there are so many options!
