Three Months!

Ready to climb!

Three months in and we finally feel like we know what we’re doing (most of the time).

Amy started her German class last week and has enjoyed meeting new friends and learning more about the language and German culture. She attends the class five days a week for four hours a day then comes home to share what she learned with Jeff. Unfortunately, she’s in the afternoon class so we had to put our big February travels on hold.

As for our other exciting news, we finally received the German tax form so Amy can work! She is currently working for an online company that teaches English to kids in China while Jeff continues to enjoy his German busy season. 

We continue to delight in exploring the city and checking things off our “Düsseldorf To Do List”.

Last weekend we focused on our Karneval outfits. We took a trip to Deiters, an insane two-story costume shop here in Düsseldorf. They have every kind of costume from fancy colonial coats and dresses, to jelly bean suits, to every color of wig, tights and suspenders that you can think of. We had a great time walking around the shop and pulling out ridiculous costumes to show each other. Stay tuned to see what costumes we decided on!

Groundhog Day Donuts!
Treats + A View = Blissful

Two weekends ago, (Super Bowl weekend) we enjoyed our Groundhog Day donuts, tested our spider skills at the K21 museum and enjoyed a Koffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) at the top of the castle tower. On Sunday evening, Jeff stayed up late to watch the Super Bowl (it started at 12:30am) while Amy went to bed.

Tomas Saraceno - In Orbit Exhibit
Suspended 90 feet above the piazza

We continue to experience the culture and random events happening in the city. A few weekends ago we learned about a boat trade show that was happening in Düsseldorf. Rumor has it, it is one of the largest in the world, so we decided to check it out and weren’t disappointed. Our favorite part of the convention was touring the giant Yachts and sailboats. Those boats are huge! 

Then, at dinner one evening, two random fellows dressed in lederhosen and carrying bindles came into the restaurant, gathered everyone’s attention and made an announcement (in German). We looked around, hoping for some context clues but got nothing. After the announcement, everyone pulled out their pocketbooks and began handing the men money. We followed suit (not wanting to be rude) and gave the fellows a few coins. Later, after the fact, we asked our waiter what that was all about and he said they were just two travelers who stop by different restaurants and shops to ask for money so they can continue their journey… Maybe we should start doing that???

Captain J-Dawg sailing away

So many fancy boats!

