Laying Low in Düsseldorf

While recuperating from our Paris adventures, and resting before our next big road trip, we spent a few days laying low in Düsseldorf. We strolled through the castle ruins in Kaiserwerth and caught up with Jeff for lunch. We wandered through the city, hitting up the mustard shop and enjoying a meal at the outdoor market. The parents took us out for an anniversary dinner to our favorite German restaurant, Himmel and Ähd, which we followed up with a trip to Altstadt and a shot of Killepitsch, as well as one last Altbier for the boys and the famous Apfelschorle for the ladies. We caught a bus to the outskirts of town to tour one of the fancy German horse barns and enjoyed the fall colors that were just starting to turn. And finally, on our last evening in Düsseldorf, we checked another item off our “To Do” list, a Rhine River Cruise. We took a ride up and down the Rhine, admiring the view of the city from the water, while pointing out our usual seat on the wall and soaking in the city lights. 


  1. So happy to step into your Düsseldorf life! We enjoyed the simple things as much as the adventures -swans and parakeets in the park, lemonade beer by the river, hanging in your lovely flat, finding awesome Buffs shoes in Germany, swimming and the happy smile of your sausage man!


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