First Solo Trip!

I did it! I completed my first solo trip abroad! I’ve always thought it would be neat to take a trip alone and have a mini retreat of sorts and now, I finally did it! Jeff was away in Houston and my mom’s anniversary was coming up so I figured, what better time than now?

Last Monday, I took the train to a small beach town in the Netherlands. I tossed around several possible destinations while planning this trip, but ultimately decided on Zandvoort, one because everyone in the Netherlands speaks English. Two, because it was a simple train ride away. And three, because Jeff and I spent time in this little gem of a town last year and I adored it.

When I arrived in Zandvoort, the sun was “shinning” so I booked it down to the beach. I don’t know how long I spent wandering along the sea side, but it was perfect. I just walked and let my mind wander. I reminisced about life, all the incredible things my mom taught me, and all the things I hope to pass on to my kiddos someday. I thought about how I wished she was there walking along the beach with me, bundled up in her coat with her her turquoise blue sunglasses on and how nice it would be to just shoot the breeze together.

I thought about how different my life was thirteen years ago, and how difficult it must have been for my dad. I can’t even imagine what he went through, but I am awed at how incredibly strong he was for me and how I am so thankful for the bond we developed during my high school years.

I thought about how I learned at a young age just how precious life is and how, in a weird way, I am grateful for that. I’m living life to the fullest and trying to take time to enjoy the little things just like you said to mom!

I thought about how lucky I am to be blessed with my family, my amazing husband, and my friends who stick with me, even when I’m thousands of miles apart.

I thought about what life will be like when we move back to the states. How weird it’s going to be to have a car again, to not travel (well, at least not as much as we do now), to be surrounded by a language I know and understand, to have a full time job again, and to not live within a 20 minute walk of everything we need. There are several things I’m going to miss about living abroad, but also some things I’m excited to have back in the states. So many feelings!

As I stood quietly looking out over the water, listening to the waves roll in and out, I thought about just how incredible this world is and how there are so many crazy creatures that live in the sea… whales, sharks, fish, octopus, seahorses, crabs… so many!

I thought about how excited I am to some day have a dog again. I watched countless pooches running free on the beach, happy as can be. They didn’t care what was around them, as long as their humans were close by throwing their ball. Oh, how I can’t wait!

I thought about so much more, and realized just how fun it is to turn off your mind, to give it a break and just let it do its thing. You never know what you might think about!

As the sun began to set, and the temperature started to drop, I set off back to my Airbnb. I stopped for Thai take out (I may be able to travel alone, but I still don’t like to eat alone) and enjoyed a cozy evening in. 

I spent a blustery Tuesday reading my book, sketching for fun, and taking a couple windy walks on the beach in between the rainstorms. Because it was off season, the town was very quiet and it felt like I had the place to myself!

As I strolled along the beach again (I love the beach, even when it’s chilly) and let my mind wander some more, I stopped to admire three kite-surfers gliding across the water, flying through the air, and splashing back down into the water. It looked fun and adventurous but so very cold!

I spent the last day of my “Amy Trip” wandering around Amsterdam. The sun was actually out, and even though it was chilly, it felt glorious! I wandered through my favorite parts of Amsterdam (The 9 Streets and Jordaan neighborhoods), strolling up and down the canals, taking random turns down the little streets, simply adventuring. I stopped for lunch, picking a table outside, because, even though it was February and chilly, the sun was shining and the seat was right next to the canal… How could I pass that up? I ordered a hot tea to keep me warm!

I continued to wander, popping in and out of the local shops and soaking in the sights. Eventually, I found a bench in the sun where I took some time to sketch out a few of Amsterdam’s unique houses, views I want to remember forever. I just love it! Each house is unique, with different brick, window styles, and flourishes on top. Some have shutters (which I love), some are quite skinny and others are a bit more plump. Some sit upright and others sit askew… they’re all different!

By the time I finished my sketch, my fingers were icicles and I was in need of something warm. I found a stroopwaffle shop and wandered in, picking out a treat, then setting off for one of our favorite shops in Amsterdam… Tony’s Chocolonely! I sampled all of the new flavors, and of course the originals too, and picked out a few bars to share with Jeff.

My trip was short, but exactly what I was hoping for. I definitely prefer to travel with a buddy, but there is something unique and special about traveling alone. It’s uncomfortable at times (mostly just eating meals alone) but you get to do whatever you want! You can wander the beach for hours just letting your mind be free, watch the Netflix shows you want to watch while laying cozied up in bed, spend time reading those books that have been on your list forever, jam out to whatever music you want, or just sit quietly, soaking in the stillness around you. It’s a special experience!

I can’t say the three weeks without Jeff flew by like I was hoping they would, but they didn’t crawl by either. I did a nice job filling my time visiting with friends, catching up on our travel book and my Netflix shows, chatting the night away with my sister, indulging in my Groundhog’s Day donut (and a few other treats), and the usual, teaching English. I went to my first international movie, watching Star Wars (in 3D) on the big screen with a couple friends. We went to a theater in the Netherlands, ensuring that the movie would be in English (with Dutch captions) and it was a great experience! Instead of a counter where you order popcorn and drinks, they have a convenient store -like area where you pick your drink (anything from soda, tea, or water to a pack of beer or bottle of wine), another area where you open a glass door and pick your popcorn, salty, sweet, or both (no butter), large, medium, or small? And, of course, there were displays of candy sitting out as well as chips and other snacks that you could grab. After you completed your shopping, you payed at the cash register then set off for the theater and your reserved seat. I love new experiences!

Jeff finally returned home on Sunday! He had a very bumpy flight due to high winds and was almost stranded in Frankfurt, again because of the winds and train cancellations, but thankfully he made it! He spent most of his time in Houston but was able to sneak in a quick visit to both Austin and Denver. He also did a great job stocking up on our U.S. goodies!

Now it’s time to get back into the swing of things and get traveling!

Next up, Valentine’s in Vienna!
