2 Years in Germany!

“Can you believe that if we didn’t extend, we would be heading back to the U.S. today?!” 

That is the sentence Jeff and I have been repeating for several months now, every time adjusting the end date, two months, one month, three weeks, one week, four days, and now, today… it boggles our minds! 

We are so incredibly grateful that we decided to extend our time abroad, adding an additional six months to our contract, especially given how the past year has turned out... A year ago, we reflected on our first year in Germany. At the end of the post, we wrote, “We’ve already started to plan our trips for next year and are excited for the adventures to come! If it’s anything like this year, it’s going to be fast, yet incredible!” Well… this year was definitely different than our first year, but it has had several ups in the midst of all the uncertainty. For one, we’ve been able to explore more of Germany, a country we’ve fallen in love with. We made it to the Black Forest, Munich, Stuttgart, and a handful of small towns that we never imagined we would go to. During the summer and early fall, while Europe’s covid numbers were staying low, we were able to travel to a few new countries that have been on our wish list, including Austria, Portugal, Lichtenstein, and most recently Poland. We think back to the beginning of the year (pre-covid) and the trips we took to Barcelona and Luxembourg and are in awe of how “easy” those trips felt compared to traveling these days. 

Like everyone else around the world, we have had to adjust our lives to this reality. We have postponed several trips and continue to keep our fingers crossed that we will make it to those destinations next year. We continue to struggle with justifying our disappointments and frustrations with covid as they feel selfish and petty compared to what so many others are experiencing around the world. Instead, we continue to be thankful for all of the opportunities we’ve had, the incredible places we’ve explored, and all of the cultures we’ve seen. We look forward to continuing these adventures after the lockdown! (Currently, Germany’s on a partial lockdown until the end of November). 

We have grown in so many ways over the past two years, and frequently still can’t believe this is our real life. Germany feels like home in its own, unique way, and after traveling to countries where we do not speak the language or know the ins and outs, it always feels refreshing to be back in Germany where we can at least read some of the menus and signs and squeak by while talking with others. We continue to cherish our walks around the city, through the Hofgarten, and by the Rhine. We love our little neighborhood and have found a few new restaurants and cafes to add to our list of regulars. As we plan our future move back to the U.S., we look forward to a few of the changes, like having a clothes dryer again and being immersed in a language we know, but overall, it will be difficult to leave this wonderful place. 

We’re not sure what the rest of the year has in store or what the last sixth months of this incredible adventure will look like, but just like everyone else, we’ll do our best to accept it, embrace it, and make the most of this unique situation. Two weeks ago, as we wandered around town, we enjoyed our first glass of Glühwein for the season. We practically ran to the stand when we saw it! Several rumors are going around that the Christmas markets may not happen this year (excuse me as I go bawl my eyes out), but at least we were able to enjoy one mug of the Christmas special, and we will continue to keep our fingers (and toes) crossed that there will be some kind of “covid-friendly” Christmas market we can enjoy! 

But for now, we’ll end with a toast to the past two years! To unbelievable adventures, memories that will last a lifetime, and the anticipation of travels yet to come!


  1. Beautiful fall picture. Your attitude is terrific. You're making the best of the situation!

  2. It was great to hear from you guys. Travel enlightens our understanding of cultures and challenges us in ways we didn't expect. I have a friend in Cologne that I visited a while back. Her family had a wonderful garden which was wonderful, especially since I am not fond of meat. I hope you can resume your travels soon. I had planned a trip to Italy and Roland my son, was going to Ireland, Both were cancelled till???? Hope to see you when you get home!


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