One Year in Germany

We can’t believe it’s already been one year since we arrived in Germany! We continue to catch ourselves thinking back to what we were doing last year, and all the feelings associated with the unknown of what was to come. We knew it would be an adventure, but we didn’t realize just how incredible it would be. 

Over the past year, we have grown so much, both individually and as a couple. When you immerse yourself in a new place, with a different language, different culture, and unique experiences every day, you quickly realize just how blessed you are to have someone by your side who can make the tough times a little easier and the best times even more incredible. 

We’ve traveled more than we ever expected to this year. We’ve advanced our packing skills and can now fit both of our luggage in a single duffle bag for a weekend trip. Boo ya! We’ve enjoyed meeting new friends from all over the world and look forward to celebrating another year with all of them. Just the other day, Amy had lunch with ladies from South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, and India, the diversity here is amazing! We’ve enjoyed embracing the German culture and learning about so many other cultures while traveling around Europe (For example, we now stop and wait for every green light before crossing a street. We also always carry cash and grocery bags with us, because you never know when you might need either one). We continue to love our neighborhood and little flat, and are constantly saying we’re lucky to have found such a gem. 

Jeff continues to enjoy the daily challenges at work that this opportunity has provided. He sees less of the day-to-day management duties and more of the complex transactions that the companies face and that require his expert opinion. He is working within several different industries, with roughly ten global audit teams here in Germany. This experience has allowed him to expand his skills and learn more about the unique aspects of each organization and industry. And as a plus, he now has more friends so he doesn’t have to eat lunch alone! 

Amy continues to fill her days teaching English, practicing German, painting, and most importantly, trip planning. She enjoys her weekly get togethers with friends and looks forward to her monthly book clubs. She’s embracing this slower pace of life, knowing that someday it will change, but for now it is perfect. 

It’s truly been an experience of a lifetime and one we are so incredibly grateful for! We’ve checked 12 countries off our list and still can’t believe what we’ve seen… a real-life snow globe in Cesky Krumlov, medieval streets in Bruges, the alps with a bird’s eye view, close ups of the incredible tulip fields, Hamilton live in London, the cliffs and beaches in Normandy, a local’s way to celebrate Oktoberfest, and at least 17 castles and who knows how many churches. This life is surreal, and we love it. 

We’ve already started to plan our trips for next year and are excited for the adventures to come! If it’s anything like this year it’s going to be fast yet incredible! But for now, we’re going to embrace the Christmas season (the markets are currently being assembled all over the city!) and enjoy our next set of visitors who will be arriving soon! Life is good! 
