Strawberry Fields Forever

We held onto our rental car for one extra day following our trip to The Hague. We decided while we had it, we could check out a few other things around our home town.

Our first stop was a trip to Kaufland, a store that is supposedly “Germany’s Costco,” and well, if you know Jeff, you know that he loves all things Costco, so we had to check it out… now don’t get your hopes up, we were a little disappointed… it turns out that “Germany’s Costco” is really only a “Walmart” kind of store… not nearly as exciting as were anticipating, but still fun to walk around.

We continued our adventures, making our way to Dahmen Erdbeerfeld (aka strawberry fields), where we met up with our friends and spent some time squatted down in search of the reddest, juiciest strawberries we could find, and boy did we find some good ones! We filled our box past capacity and, during check out, added a jar of local, homemade strawberry jam to our bill. D.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s.

We followed strawberry picking with a nature walk around Tierpark Tannenbusch, spotting our first wild boars, German deer, and gigantic storks. We had no idea they were so big! In fact, after seeing the storks at the nature park, we realized that on our drive home from The Hague, we had actually seen a stork in one of the fields. I remember seeing it and telling Jeff to, “Look at that giant bird! What the heck is that?” but neither of us had a clue… turns out it was a stork! So cool!

This weekend was a rejuvenating break and just what we needed! A delightful escape for us, while giving our couch cushions and Netflix account a well-deserved weekend off. #quarantine2020
